
Launch of SOS Heritage web app

A tool for risk assessment on cultural heritage

Protect your history, empower your future. The SOS Heritage web app is here.

The SOS Heritage project partnership is delighted to announce the release of the SOS Heritage web app. This digital tool has been purposefully crafted to support cultural sector professionals in executing risk assessment projects on the collections they protect.

For individuals who do not possess specialised training in risk management for cultural heritage, identifying the variables that influence the level of risk to which the collection is subjected can be challenging. Additionally, determining the best practices to safeguard against such threats can pose a significant obstacle. This web application has been designed to address these challenges and provide a comprehensive solution for cultural sector professionals.

The SOS Heritage platform has been developed as an interactive checklist for use during inspections at institutions responsible for the preservation of cultural heritage. The platform’s multiple sections and various questions allow cultural professionals to follow a logical order in identifying potential threats to their collections. By proceeding from one section to another, professionals can gain awareness of the specific characteristics of their building and collection, and understand the main vulnerabilities that characterize their situation.


“The advent of climate change poses a serious threat to cultural heritage, and it is imperative that conservation and management strategies be reconsidered to ensure its preservation for future generations. In this regard, digital technology can offer significant support by simplifying risk analysis methodologies and identifying vulnerabilities of heritage preservation institutions. The primary objective of the SOS Heritage application is to achieve this goal, with the valuable collaboration of our project partners.” says Massimo Cruciotti, Head of Mazzini Lab Srl Benefit.


The web application, which is accessible free of charge, can be found on the SOS Heritage project website (https://www.sos-heritage.eu/) in the dedicated Web App section.

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