
From protection to valorization: an integrated approach to emergency management for cultural heritage

Event in collaboration with SOS Archivi and the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia

April 18th, 2024 from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm

@ National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia – Piazzale di Villa Giulia 9, 00196 Rome RM


On the 18th of April, 2024, the SOS Heritage network presents an event hosted by the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in partnership with SOS Archivi.

The initiative, titled “From protection to valorization: an integrated approach to emergency management for cultural heritage“, is organized as part of the SOS Heritage project.

With a focus on the emergency management of cultural heritage, this event is a significant step towards the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The collaboration between these reputable organizations is poised to provide valuable insights and strategies for the management of cultural heritage in periods of crisis.

The event is aimed at professionals in the cultural sector, restorers, archivists, public administration officials, and anyone interested in the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage. The event will take place from 9.30 AM to 5.00 PM at Piazzale di Villa Giulia 9, Rome RM.

The programme

The day will start with greetings from various prominent personalities in the cultural sector, who will share their perspectives, experiences and visions regarding cultural topics of current relevance. Following this, a series of experts will deliver presentations on various topics, including fire protection systems for cultural heritage, protection of archival heritage from fire risk and biological risk, cultural heritage following catastrophic events, and safety, rescue, and restoration activities. The event will also feature an example of innovation in risk management for cultural heritage, the SOS Heritage project.

In the afternoon, a practical exercise will be conducted to save cultural assets affected by emergency situations. The simulation will be coordinated by Eleonora Canobbio, a freelance restorer, with the support of the Civil Protection unit of the city of Lomazzo.


The event is free, but registration is required at the link below. 

For more information, including the complete program and updates, please visit the SOS Archivi website or email comunicazione@sosarchivi.it.

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